السبت، يناير 03، 2009

فقط اخبرك!!

السبت، يناير 03، 2009 0 التعليقات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
إعلانات صارخة ورسمية وقوية ومباشرة الآن في كل أنحاء أوربا وأمريكا ومفادها
ساهم لبقاء إ إسرائيل !! في الأسواق وفي المطاعم.. ساهم لإنقاذ إسرائيل
* رئيس شركة ستار بوكس للقهوة صّرح انه سيضاعف لتبرعات لإسرائيل لقتل أوغاد العرب !! وهوالمعروف بأنه يدفع ملياري دولارسنوياً لإسرائيل من أرباح ستار بوكس
شركة فيليب موريس (المنتجة ل سجائر مالبورو) تدفع التبرعات بصفة يومية !!!
* في كل صباح تدفع شركة فيليب موريس للسجائر ما مقداره 12% من أرباحها لإسرائيل
ومدخني العالم الإسلامي يستهلكون سجائر من
فيليب موريس بقيمة 100 مليون دولار‏ :وعليه فإن مدخني العالم الإسلامي يدفعون لإسرائيل كل صباح 12 مليون دولار

* تكلفة الطائرة اف 16 أحدث طراز 50 مليون دولار يعني إننا ندفع قيمة طائرة حربية كل 4 أياما ً
أسمعت لو ناديت حيـا ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادِ
ولو ناراً نفخت بها أضاءت ولكنك تنفخ في رمـاد

ستار بوكس STARBUCS
ماكدونالدز McDonalds '
برجر كينج BURGER KING
بيتزا هت PIZZA HUT
كوكا كولا COCA COLA
والقائمة يعرفها الجاهل قبل المتعلم ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادي

لنتوقف عن شراء البضائع الأمريكية والبريطانية فقط لشهر واحد ‏ !!!
أعد إرسال الرسالة لمن تعرف
أمريكا تخسر8.6 بليون دولار ب اليوم عندما لا تشتري بضائعها فقط في شهر واحد فوفرها على نفسك و على بلدك
أرجوك لا تنتظر، قولها لكل من تعرف
أنا أعرف انك باستطاعتك فعلها،
أرجوك أفعلها كمسلم حقيقي
أخبر إخوانك
لنوقف شراء البضائع الأمريكية والبريطانية فقط لشهر واحد شهر سوف تكون تكلفة هذا
الشهر عليهم=36.86 بليون
هل طبقت ؟

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AirTran apologizes for removing Muslim passengers

WASHINGTON – AirTran Airways apologized Friday to nine Muslims kicked off a New Year's Day flight to Florida after other passengers reported hearing a suspicious remark about airplane security. One of the passengers said the confusion started at Reagan National Airport just outside Washington, D.C., when he talked about the safest place to sit on an airplane.

Orlando, Fla.-based AirTran said in a statement that it refunded the passengers' air fare and planned to reimburse them for replacement tickets they bought on US Airways. AirTran also offered to take the passengers back to Washington free of charge.

"We apologize to all of the passengers — to the nine who had to undergo extensive interviews from the authorities and to the 95 who ultimately made the flight," the statement said. "Nobody on Flight 175 reached their destination on time on New Year's Day, and we regret it."

AirTran said the incident was a misunderstanding, but the steps taken were necessary.

Two U.S. Muslim advocacy groups, however, were critical of the airline's actions. The Muslim Public Affairs Council called on federal officials Friday to open an investigation. And the Council for American-Islamic Relations filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Transportation, saying "It is incumbent on any airline to ensure that members of the traveling public are not singled out or mistreated based on their perceived race, religion or national origin."

Bill Adams, a DOT spokesperson, said the department thoroughly investigates discrimination complaints but would not comment further.

One of the Muslim passengers, Atif Irfan, said the family probably would not fly home with AirTran because members had already booked tickets on another airline, but appreciated the apology.

"It's definitely nice to hear," he said.

Irfan said when he boarded the flight Thursday, he mentioned something to his wife and sister-in-law about having to sit in the back. His sister-in-law replied that she believed the back of the airplane was the safest, but Irfan believed it was better to be by the wings.

"She said, 'Yes, I guess it makes sense not to be close to the engine in case something happens,'" Irfan recalled Friday. "It was a very benign conversation."

Shortly after taking their seats, members of the group were approached by federal air marshals and taken off the plane, Irfan said. They stood in the jet bridge connected to the airport and answered questions while other passengers exited and glared at them.

Irfan said he thought he and the others were profiled because of their appearance. The men had beards and the women wore headscarves, traditional Muslim attire.

"My wife and I are generally very careful about what we say when we step on the plane," he said, adding that they have received suspicious looks in the past. "We're used to this sort of thing — but obviously not to this extent."

Irfan, 29, is a lawyer who lives in Alexandria, Va. He was traveling to a religious retreat in Florida with his wife, along with his brother and his family, including three children, ages 7, 4 and 2. They were joined by his brother's sister-in-law and a family friend.

Federal officials ordered the rest of the passengers from the plane and re-screened them before allowing the flight to depart about two hours behind schedule. The family and friend eventually made it to their destination on a US Airways flight.

Family members were upset that AirTran didn't allow them to book another flight. The airline said in a news release Friday that one of the passengers became irate, made inappropriate comments and had to be escorted away from a gate podium by local law enforcement.

"We felt very disrespected," Irfan said. He said FBI agents had cleared their names and asked AirTran to put them on another flight, but to no avail.

Christopher White, a federal Transportation Security Administration spokesman, said the security concern on the plane was handled appropriately.

White said the pilot, after being informed of the remarks, requested that two federal air marshals on board remove the nine passengers. TSA then alerted authorities, including the FBI, which conducted an investigation.

"Our role, basically, is to determine whether (those) in question pose a threat," FBI spokesman Bill Carter said.

He and White said that once authorities determined there was no security threat, it was up to the airline on how to proceed.

"If the pilot is uncomfortable with someone flying on their plane, that's their decision," White said.


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الجمعة، يناير 02، 2009

.... ..................الشهداء

الجمعة، يناير 02، 2009 0 التعليقات

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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الثلاثاء، ديسمبر 30، 2008

..شمعة الامل...

الثلاثاء، ديسمبر 30، 2008 0 التعليقات

ولكن الامل دائما موجود

وأقرأوا معى هذه القصة

فستعلمون ان الامل موجود

المهم ان نعمل لنجده!!

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الاثنين، ديسمبر 29، 2008

الحرب =الالم !!!

الاثنين، ديسمبر 29، 2008 0 التعليقات

مواطن جورجى يبكى أخاه الذى مات أثناء قصف روسيا
لجورجيا فى الخريف الماضى

وفلسطينى يبكى اخاه الذى قتل على يدى الصهاينة

فى غزة السبت الماضى

هل هناك فرق فى الالم بين هذا وهذا ....لا اعتقد ......كلهم بشر!!!

ولكنها السياسة :(:(:(:(

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.......طلع البدر علينا

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مثلما كانت الهجرة الشريفة خيرا فتحا ونورا ونصرا
سيكون عامنا الهجرى الجديد نصرا لنا إن شاء الله
قلبى وروحى ووجدانى معهم هناك فى غزة
وفى الشيشان والبوسنة وفى كل
مكان يزود فيه المسلمون
عن دينهم وقرآنهم ورسولهم
كل عام انتم بخير

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الأحد، ديسمبر 28، 2008

.......هذه هى اسرائيل=This is ISREAL!!!!!

الأحد، ديسمبر 28، 2008 0 التعليقات

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